clockwork castellan locations 6 resident evil 4 remake

 Villa Location – Image captured by Gamesual

 The sixth doll in Resident Evil 4 Remake can be found in Chapter 6 of the game. This location is just North of the Villa in Chapter 6 and is the Hillside Settlement. Head to the exact location, and you will see a fire burning. Therefore, next to the fire, you will see the doll, shoot to break, and collect six out of 16 dolls.


 clockwork castellan locations resident evil 4 remake

 Dungeon Location – Image captured by Gamesual

 This Clockwork Castellan doll can be found in the Dungeons inside the Castle in Chapter 7 of the game. You need to head to the Treasury and take the ladder to the upper level of the Treasury. Here you can find the doll on the top shelf, just break it to add another doll to your collection.


 clockwork castellan location castle battlements

 Castle Battlements Location – Image captured by Gamesual

 You can find the 8th Clockwork Castellan Doll in Chapter 8 of the game. This area can be accessed during the boss fight with the Armored Giant. So you need to be careful while looking for your doll, as the Giant will be swinging boulders in your direction.

 Therefore, carefully navigate the Castle Battlements and head to this location. The doll will be right in the front sitting on a pile of bags. Just stab with your knife to collect another doll.


 clockwork castellan locations 9 resident evil 4 remake maze

 Courtyard Maze Location – Image captured by Gamesual

 The 9th Clockwork Castellan Doll can be found in Chapter 9 of Resident Evil 4 Remake. This doll is hidden in the corner of the Courtyard Maze inside the castle. However, solving the Maze Puzzle will definitely take you around this corner of the maze.

 Therefore, once you get to this location on the map, you will see the doll hiding behind in a section that players can access. Although, your bullets can reach the doll, so just shoot to break another Salazar doll.


 depths location 10 of castellan clockwork dolls resident evil 4 remake

 Depths Location – Image captured by Gamesual

 You can find another Clockwork Castellan in Chapter 10 of Resident Evil 4 Remake. Moreover, you can get to this doll when trying to escape the Depths of the way of Sewer.

 Once you get to the Purple Flame Torch of the Merchant, look opposite, and you will see a sewer grill. However, behind this grill, you can see a doll hanging upside down. Therefore, just shoot to collect another doll.


 clockwork castellan locations 11 resident evil 4 remake

 Stopover Location – Image captured by Gamesual

unblocked games 67

 The 11th Castellan Clockwork doll can be found in Chapter 11 of the game. This is the game section where you have Luis Sera by your side. Therefore, head to the exact location on the map. Once you get to the Stopover, head out from the back exit, and you will see the doll on the roof of the house. The doll would be right at the edge so you can easily spot it.


 clockword castellan location 12 clock tower resident evil 4 remake

 Clock Tower Location – Image captured by Gamesual

 The 12th Clockwork Castellan doll can be found in Chapter 12 of the Resident Evil 4 Remake. The doll would be at the base or the bottom floor of the Clock Tower. Moreover, this is also the place where the giant statue of Ramon Salazar is being kept. Go to the map’s exact location and break the doll to add the 12th one to your collection.


 clockwork castellan location 13 island resident evil 4 remake

 Forklift On Island Location – Image captured by Gamesual

 You can find the 13th Castellan Clockwork doll on the Island during Chapter 3. However, this doll is in a bit of a hidden place under large cargo containers. Therefore, head to the exact location on the map, and you will see a green forklift. On the right side of this forklift, under a red container, you will see your Castellen Clockwork Doll.


 clockwork castellan location 14 amber storeroom

 Amber Storeroom – Image captured by Gamesual

 You can find another Clock Castellan Doll on the Island. However, this doll can be found in Chapter 14 of Resident Evil 4 Remake. Therefore, to find this doll, head to the west from Campsite. You will find the Amber Storeroom here, and inside this room, on a shelf, you will find another Clockwork Castellan doll.


 clockwork castellan location 15 near specimen room

 Specimen Storage Location – Image captured by Gamesual

 The second last Clockwork Castellan doll can be found in Chapter 15 of Resident Evil 4 Remake. This doll can be found near the Specimen Storage. Just head out to the exact location on the map, and you will find a small room here. However, you can find treasure in this small room, and on the wooden beams attached to the ceiling, you will find a Clockwork Castellan Doll.


 clockwork castellan location 16 underground bunker resident evil 4 remake

 Underground Bunker Location – Image captured by Gamesual

 This is the last and final Clockwork Castellan doll you need to acquire. Moreover, this is also the game’s final chapter, and the doll can be found in the final few moments. You need to head to this location in the Underground Bunker. However, it would be best to remember that you are on a clock, and the building will collapse when the timer ends, so be sure to be quick.

 The doll would be on wooden boxes next to a Bluish-Green forklift.


 There is a very good reason for going to the extreme lengths of breaking all the Clockwork Castellan dolls. Once you break all 16 of the dolls, players are rewarded with a Primal Knife. This is an indestructible knife, meaning it would never break no matter what you put it through. Therefore, this makes it one of the best weapons in Resident Evil 4 Remake.

 Primal knife in resident evil 4 remake

 Primal Knife – Image captured by Gamesual

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